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Robot cells and a PLC controller with a simple display

KUKA.PLC mxAutomation

KUKA.PLC mxAutomation is a universal PLCopen-certified PLC interface. It allows you to program and operate all important robot functions directly in your familiar control environment.

With the KUKA.PLC mxAutomation control software, it is possible for external controllers with an embedded PLC to command KUKA robots on the basis of elementary motion instructions. This provides an easy route to implementing a central, customer-friendly operator control concept for robot-controlled production machines.

The outstanding kinematic and safety-relevant functions of the KUKA KR C4 controller remain fully available since the mxAutomation command interpreter of the KR C4 communicates the PLC commands to the path planning module, which sets the robot in motion with the accustomed precision and reliability.

The simple interface between human and machine 

KUKA.PLC mxAutomation allows your employees to understand, operate and program robotic systems without leaving the familiar control environment.

All important functions of the KUKA.SystemSoftware (KSS) are available directly in the existing PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) of the system. Motions and all safety functions continue to be controlled by the robot controller.

Communication between the robotic system and the PLC is not a one-way street. Just as commands are sent to the robot, diagnostic and status information flows back to the controller.

KUKA.PLC mxAutomation in conjunction with SINUMERIK

Use of the KUKA.PLC mxAutomation control software means greater flexibility and efficiency for your processes. 

Economic advantages of PLC integration with KUKA.PLC mxAutomation

PLC integration with the mxAutomation interface offers many economic advantages. These are a valuable contribution to lower unit costs, more efficient production and thus a competitive advantage in the industry. 
  • Greater time saving

    • During configuration
    • During start-up
    • During adaptation to new production processes
  • Simplified operation

    • During configuration
    • During PLC programming
    • Robot integration without specific programming know-how
  • Seamless integration

    • Use in the familiar control environment
    • Fewer errors due to predefined blocks and sequences
    • Greater efficiency through central programming
  • Compatibility

    • Simple integration into existing machine controllers
    • Suitable for all PLC suppliers
    • Ensuring motion algorithms and safety functions

Optimal robot integration with PLC mxAutomation 

Interface facilitates easy integration of new applications into running processes

With 18 employees, the private brewery Christian Fiedler from the village of Oberscheibe in Saxony very successfully produces premium beers according to the good, old German art of brewing. A KUKA robot palletizes the heavy beer crates, and makes the work easier. Thanks to KUKA.PLC mxAutomation, this automation technology can also be easily integrated digitally into running processes. In this way, the software enables fast start-up, programming and diagnostics by the PLC.
mxAutomation is also making inroads into the food industry and supports robot systems in their tasks, such as controlling the system for palletizing beer crates, for example.

Technical strengths of KUKA.PLC mxAutomation

Simple central programming

With KUKA.PLC mxAutomation, the user requires no specific knowledge of robot programming. The mxAutomation function blocks allow the robot to be commanded within the familiar programming environment.

Certified in accordance with PLCopen

KUKA is the first robot manufacturer to meet the requirements of the PLCopen organization with the KUKA.PLC mxAutomation software and is thus certified in accordance with “PLCopen Motion Control Part 4”. 


High flexibility

If a requirement in production is changed, the appropriate modifications or expansions can be implemented at any time with mxAutomation-based operator control. The flexibility made possible by using robots with regard to processing new series of parts or performing additional tasks is made available for the operator in his customary environment.

Simple control

The combination of robot and machine control enables robot systems to be integrated effortlessly into existing operator control concepts. The robotic systems can thus be controlled via the familiar HMI (Human Machine Interface).

As an alternative to the KUKA.SmartPad, it is also possible to jog, teach and program industrial robots with a customer-specific teach pendant.

Gripping moving workpieces

Connecting KUKA.PLC mxAutomation to KUKA.ConveyorTech enables systems to pick up moving workpieces. The motions are adapted by the application software to the motions of assembly lines and conveyors.

Using KUKA.VectorMove enables the robot arm to be switched vectorially to “soft” mode in order to facilitate the removal of components from injection molding machines and die-casting machines.

By integrating the optional add-on package KUKA.LoadDataDetermination, simple and precise load data determination via mxAutomation is possible.

With the optional add-on package KUKA.SafeVelocityMonitoring, it is possible to monitor robot systems at a safe velocity. This simplifies the start-up and jogging of the externally controlled cell.

Practical experience for practical applications

A good integration example is offered by Siemens® with the embedding of mxAutomation in the Sinumerik/Simatic world. The resulting products “RunMyRobot Handling” and “SIMATIC Robot Integrator” make robot integration easier than ever before.

In the injection molding sector, the deep integration “ENGEL® easix robot” is used intensively. It offers a consistent operating logic for greater convenience, safety and efficiency. The controller of the ENGEL easix robots is fully and seamlessly integrated into the controller of the ENGEL injection molding machines.

The integration of BOSCH® nexeed automation control plus is used for the global harmonization of Industrie 4.0 applications.

Are you a system manufacturer yourself? Then become an mxAutomation partner now!

As a partner, you too can use KUKA.PLC mxAutomation as a solution for operating your machines and robots.
Directly after your successful registration you have access to numerous functions. After verification of your account, you will also receive company-specific information and benefits. This process serves the security of your individual login and can take a few days.