Research Interests
From sensitive collaborative robots to mobile robotics to Industry 4.0, our research develops technological foundations for innovation.
Intuitive Operation and Programming
Robot systems are highly complex and yet must be operational within a short time for everyday production.
To familiarize our customers and partners with the technology as quickly as possible, our research department develops new concepts and devices for simple, effective and efficient operation and programming.

Algorithms, Sensor Technologies and Geomentry
Today’s robot systems generally work in known environments where they perform predefined automated tasks.
In order for them to be more autonomous and to act intelligently in the future, we are developing new algorithms, integrating imaging and distance measurement sensors and continuously creating geometric models of the environment.

Mechatronics, Safety and Energie Efficiency
As our robots become more powerful, they also use less energy and become more cost-effective. This is why we are continuing to develop resource-saving technologies and focusing on new materials and drive concepts.
In the factory of the future, human operators also work together with mobile and stationary robots in confined spaces. For these robots, we are continuing to develop comprehensive safety concepts and technologies.

Akıllı veri ve altyapı
Büyük veri oranlarının tespit edilmesi ve analiz edilmesine yönelik en son teknolojiler kapsamında, verimli bir kullanım ve robotların uygulamalarla çok iyi uyumda çalışmaları sağlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle akıllı veri (Smart Data) ve altyapı araştırma bölümüne yatırım yapıyoruz.
Geliştirilen sistem yapısı ve teknolojileri yardımıyla, üretim süreçlerini simüle edebiliyor, sanal olarak tesisleri çalıştırabiliyor ve bu şekilde Industrie 4.0'ın sürekli olarak geliştirilebilmesini sağlayabiliyoruz.

Demonstrators and Networking

Project Office
Modern automation in retail stores such as supermarkets is hardly available – apart from simple waste compactors or bottle deposit machines. The EU-funded research project REFILLS wants to change that. Together with well-known partners from robotics, KUKA and Swisslog are working on a robotics solution for the automation of the four classic logistics steps that can be found in almost every retail store. For that, a mobile robot system with the features of a modular system is used. The central unit, a flat transport carrier, connects to various other robot modules in order to process those logistics steps. After the initial scanning of the inventory and the storage of product data, incoming goods can be presorted into product categories and transported in portions to the corresponding shelves. The subsequent filling of the shelf is achieved in the first step with a collaborative robot system. Excess goods are returned to the warehouse autonomously. From there, the REFILL(s) process – refilling – is performed in the last step.