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KUKA HRC Guide: Our latest collaborative robot application

The KUKA HRC Guide assists you with designing your new collaborative application. The app dynamically calculates permitted HRC parameter limits and shows if your application is ready for Human Robot Collaboration.

Is my current application HRC ready?

The HRC Guide App is a collaborative robot applications tool for anyone who designs or runs applications for Human Robot Collaboration (HRC). It provides a quick overview about the most relevant parameters regarding a HRC setting by calculating the maximum speed of the robot, the maximum payload mass, the minimum contact area (transient, meaning through a free push, or quasi-static, meaning with clamping risk) or the body regions of the human worker that could be hit by the robot. Based on the given input parameters, the free parameter is then calculated according to ISO TS 15066.

Let our collaborative robot application calculate these HRC parameters for you:

Các ưu điểm

Maximum Speed

This is the speed that an object potentially colliding with the worker is allowed to move at. The colliding object can for example be a part of the gripper, tool, or workpiece.

Maximum Payload Mass

The payload mass includes all masses that are attached to the flange of the robot. Depending on the application this could be only the mass of the tool or the mass of tool and workpiece together.

Minimum Collision Area

In this case the minimum contact area during the impact between human and robot is calculated. This area depends mainly on the shape of both collision partners. In general, larger collision areas reduce the pressure during an impact and therefore correspond with less hazardous collisions.

Allowed Body Parts

This parameter indicates the body part that is at risk in a potential collision (either through transient or quasi-static contact). The preview image of the selected body regions can be tapped to get a large view of the possible selections. If the body part is chosen as the free value, the app shows all body parts that can handle the given collision values without being harmed. 

More features of our collaborative robot application

Robot Configuration: Fine tune the properties of the available robot types for certain applications (e.g. if additional cabling is attached). Adjusting the “Additional Payload” increases the upper limit for the payload mass calculation.

Unit and Language Settings:  Choose between metric and imperial unit system. All inputs and outputs are updated accordingly. It is also possible to change the language.

Printed Calculator: There is also a printed version of this app available. It is based on the same calculations but is optimized for obtaining the maximum speed for transient contacts.

How to get the KUKA HRC Guide

You can install the KUKA HRC Guide for free on your mobile devices through the following platforms:

Get it on Google PlayJetzt im App Store


Feedback on our collaborative robot application

You've already used the KUKA HRC Guide and have something to say about the app? Then please give us your feedback via this form or in the comment section of the app stores. Thank you!