

Individual enjoyment: Ratio orders 20 new robots from KUKA as bartenders and baristas

The robot café Ratio in Singapore has been relying on KUKA's automation expertise since 2019. Now the company has ordered 20 new robot bartenders and baristas - to expand its innovative offering to more cafés, restaurants and co-working offices.


An aromatic cup of coffee or a well-balanced cocktail: Ratio, a Ross Digital company in Singapore, wants to revolutionize beverage service. To this end, the robotic café with lounge relies on KUKA robots. They serve drinks personalized on request. Two KUKA barista robots also prepare the Kopi-O, a highly caffeinated black coffee popular in Singapore. 

Ratio is now expanding its successful cooperation with KUKA. The company has ordered 16 robots from the KR AGILUS series, type KR 6 R900-2 for the café area and four type KR 10 R1100 for the bar area. With the robot baristas and bartenders, Ratio intends not only to extend its range to other cafés, but also has its sights set on restaurants and co-working offices. Because this is where reliable technology meets aesthetics and cost efficiency.

Customers can order their drink from the KUKA robot simply by using an app. They can also use it to create their own drinks, for example. The system is controlled via the KUKA KR C4. Smart Internet of Things (IoT) components are installed in the robots. For an individual, digital coffee and cocktail experience.




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