From theory to practice: learning to program while playing in the robotics lab
A complete 6-axis robot in toy format instead of a 2D model drawn on the blackboard: students at DHBW Stuttgart swap dry theory for independent programming of the real KUKA system software in their robotics lecture. This prepares them optimally for their first application in the industry.

The robotics lab gave me a deeper insight into the world of automation with a practical demonstration of KUKA robots.
KUKA education robot as a project close to the heart

From the building block robot to the training cell
"At the end of the semester, the students come to the robot training cell in Sindelfingen with a completely different attitude," reports Klaus Meeners. "By practising on the educational robots, the students already have their own ideas in mind and already know what they want to programme on the large KUKA robot."
According to programme director Prof. Dr Florian Simons, there are still a lot of plans for the modular robots: "The introduction of the educational robots at the DHBW Faculty of Engineering was received with great enthusiasm . In future, we plan to integrate the building block robots into other degree programmes, for example in the Industrial Engineering department." The robotics lecture has become increasingly popular since the introduction of the training models at the university. It's no wonder that childhood memories are awakened alongside the enthusiasm for robotics.
The robot lab was a very exciting and new experience for me. The visit to Sindelfingen allowed me to apply what I had learned in theory to the real world.