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KUKA at IREX 2017

Visit KUKA at the International Robot Exhibition in Tokyo in Hall 4, IR4-31. This year's motto: "The robot revolution has begun – Toward heartwarming society". 29th Nov–2nd Dec, 2017.

General information about IREX 2017

Main product group at the fair:  Industrial robots, service robots, and other related devices.

“To The Smart Factory“ - For industrial world going forward to the IoT, we offer you KUKA cooperative mobile robotics KMR iiwa human collaborative sensitive robot LBR iiwa, new KUKA robot package ready2_use, and more, which are perfectly suit for smart factory, in order for you to install robots used automation easier and closer. We also introduce KUKA cloud platform KUKA Connect for you to see the world of Industrie 4.0.

KMR iiwa: LBR iiwa robot with a mobile, autonomous platform. 

The autonomous LBR iiwa robot is HRC-capable and mobile. It combines the strengths of the sensitive LBR iiwa lightweight robot with those of a mobile, autonomous platform. The KMR iiwa is location-independent and highly flexible – the perfect basis for meeting the requirements of Industrie 4.0.

KMR iiwa navigates autonomously and does not require safety fencing.

 KUKA lightweight robot LBR iiwa

The LBR iiwa is the world’s first series-produced sensitive, and therefore HRC-compatible, robot. Our lightweight robot for delicate assembly work, safety fences make way for human-robot-collaboration in the workspace

At IREX 2017 you will see:

  • Corporation: using 2 units of LBR iiwa to show corporation task like Robo Team. Connecting 2 cables/hoses is on the table.
  • Vision + Torque Sensor: showing bulk picking  of M12 bolts with Canon 3D camera, and screwing showing torque sensor technique of LBR iiwa.
  • 2D data to 3D output via LBR iiwa: showing real-time wireless communication from 2D input to 3D output.  
[LBR iiwa for delicate assembly work. The LBR iiwa is able to work directly with its human operator.

In addition the that the KUKA ready2_use packages will be also presented at the fair. 

For futher information please download the product brochure to ready2_use here.

KUKA ready2_use packages - flexible automation of production processes.