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KUKA AG's 2008 Annual General Meeting

At KUKA Aktiengesellschaft's annual general meeting, held at the Kongresshalle in Augsburg on May 15, 2008, the vast majority of the over 500 shareholders and guests present voted in favor of the Executive and Supervisory Boards' resolutions

15 de maio de 2008

  • Dividend of EUR 1.00 per share to be paid
  • Discharge of the Executive and Supervisory Boards ratified by vast majority of shareholders
  • Election of Supervisory Board members


At KUKA Aktiengesellschaft's annual general meeting, held at the Kongresshalle in Augsburg on May 15, 2008, the vast majority of the over 500 shareholders and guests present voted in favor of the Executive and Supervisory Boards' resolutions.

Among other things, 53.92 percent of initial capital stock holders represented and entitled to vote favored paying a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share. The Executive Board received new authorization to repurchase up to ten percent of the existing initial capital stock. A large majority ratified the discharge the Executive Board (over 99 percent) and Supervisory Board (over 99 percent) had taken during the 2007 financial year.

The term of office of all Supervisory Board members ended at the close of the annual general meeting of May 15, 2008. The shareholders present at the annual general meeting were asked to elect new shareholder representatives to sit on the board. They chose Mr. Helmut Gierse from Nuremberg as their new representative on the panel. Mr. Helmut Gierse will succeed Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Hirzinger, whose term on the advisory board ended effective the end of the Annual General Meeting. Dr. Rolf Bartke, Dr. Reiner Beutel, Mr. Pepyn René Dinandt, Dr. Helmut Leube and Dr. Herbert Meyer were reelected to the Supervisory Board.

Dr. Rolf Bartke was selected as the chairman of the advisory panel at the constituent meeting of the newly elected Supervisory Board. Dr. Bartke has held this position since 2005.