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Helmut Zodl appointed new member of KUKA Supervisory Board

Change on the KUKA Supervisory Board: Alexander Tan resigned from the Supervisory Board at the turn of the year. Mr. Helmut Zodl has been appointed by court as his successor on the Supervisory Board of KUKA AG.

27 January 2020

A native of Austria, he has been Chief Financial Officer of the Chinese Midea Group, KUKA’s majority shareholder, since 2019.

Helmut Zodl studied at Vienna University of Technology. After completing his master’s degree in IT/Economics, he worked for the auditors Price Waterhouse and the IT cor-poration IBM in Austria and France.

From 2005 to 2017, Helmut Zodl worked for the technology company Lenovo in various positions, from 2017 for Advance Auto Parts in the USA as Senior Vice President Finance.

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