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Dr. Jürgen Koch named as new CFO of IWKA AG

The company's Supervisory Board appointed Dr. Koch on December 22, 2005 and he will assume his new role by May 1, 2006 at the latest

22 décembre 2005

Dr. Jürgen Koch will become the new CFO of IWKA Aktiengesellschaft,Karlsruhe.Dieter Schäfer, who has been responsible for the Group's controlling,will take on a new assignment on the Executive Board.

After completing his studies in business administration at the University ofFrankfurt, Dr. Jürgen Koch (48) held leading positions at major German plantengineering companies. Until 2000, he worked for Metallgesellschaft AG, wherehe had a variety of responsibilities. He was head of controlling at Lentjes AG until1992. After serving on the board of Schiess AG, he returned to Lentjes AG in1994 as the CFO on the company's Executive Board. From 1997 to 2000, he wasCFO on the Executive Board of Lurgi AG.

Dr. Koch is presently an Executive Board member at Pfleiderer AG responsible forFinance, Accounting and Controlling.

Dr. Rolf Bartke, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of IWKA AG, commented asfollows on the appointment: "The Group has found in Dr. Koch a qualified leaderwith international experience who will promote the strategic and structural focus ofthe company on the Executive Board."

Dieter Schäfer, Dipl.-Kaufmann (53), who has been IWKA's controller on theExecutive Board to date, will henceforth be the Executive Board member focusedon further developing the Group's packaging technology business.

IWKA is a globally operating automation group for the mechanical and plantengineering sector in the Automotive, Packaging and Robot Technologies. Thecompany has generated in 2004 with approximately 11,500 employees salesrevenues of EUR 2.3 billion.