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Preliminary figures for the 2006 financial year

The IWKA Group's operating business improved considerably in the 2006 financial year over the previous year 2005.

February 6, 2007

In 2006, the Group achieved EBIT of EUR 33.7 million after losses of EUR -42.9 million in 2005. Orders received and sales revenues from continuing operations were 10 percent, in the case of orders received, and 9 percent, for sales revenues, above the levels of the year before.

Cashflow developed particularly well in the 4th quarter of 2006. Net debt as of December 31, 2006 was therefore, at EUR 89.7 million, by EUR 86.2 below the value in December 2005 (EUR 175.9 million).

The divestment process in 2006 was totally completed. Extraordinary expenditure will be around the level of the figures already communicated, and a net loss for the year will therefore be recorded.


The Executive Board