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KUKA Nordic invests in Finland

With growing market shares in the country, KUKA Nordic sees a need to strengthen the Finnish part of the business. - We have therefore hired another salesperson, Markus Nikkanen, who recently started working with us, says Kim Reeslev, Sales Manager at KUKA Nordic.

28 August 2023

Focus in Finland

Markus Nikkanen comes from a position as a salesman at a Finnish company that manu-factures heat exchangers.- "I have always been interested in robots, so when KUKA offe-red work in that field, it felt right to explore the opportunity," he says.In addition to his interest and experience, he has a solid educational background, with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in energy technology. KUKA Nordic in Finland has also strengthened its technical expertise. This is robot technician Kalle Viljanen, who has already worked for a while at the Finnish office, where they are now a team of four people. In addition to Markus Nikkanen and Kalle Viljanen, tech-nician Lasse Laukanen and country manager Kimmo Kymäläinen work with the expan-ding Finnish market for KUKA. 
Markus Nikannen, New Area Sales Manager 

- "We see how our products are gaining ground in the country, and it is gratifying that we have a strong team in place to provide service to our Finnish customers. 2023 looks to be another very good year for us," says Sales Manager Kim Reeslev.