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KUKA AG’s 2009 Annual General Meeting

On April 29, 2009, more than 850 shareholders and guests met at the Augsburg Kongresshalle (convention center) for the Annual General Meeting of KUKA AG

29 de abril de 2009

An overwhelming majority of the shareholders voted in favor of the recommendations presented by the Executive and Supervisory Boards.

The discharge of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board during the 2008 financial year were ratified by virtually all shareholders. The company received authorization to buy back up to ten percent of its own existing initial capital stock.

Mr. Bernd Minning, Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH, and Dr. Till Reuter, RINVEST AG, were newly elected as members of the Supervisory Board by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. Mr. Pepyn R. Dinandt and Mr. Helmut Gierse relinquished their positions on the board effective the end of the Annual General Meeting. Dr. Rolf Bartke, chairman of the Supervisory Board, thanked Mr. Dinandt and Mr. Gierse for their commitment and stated that he is looking forward to excellent teamwork as he welcomed the new members of the Supervisory Board, Mr. Minning and Dr. Reuter.