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Engelberger Robotics Award for Stefan Müller

Executive Vice President of KUKA Roboter GmbH honored

10 Haziran 2003

The Joseph F. Engelberger Robotics Awards 2003 were presented to outstanding individuals in the robotics industry by the Robotic Industries Association (RIA) during the International Symposium on Robotics, which was held in conjunction with the International Robots & Vision Show and Conference, June 3-5, 2003 in Rosemont (Chicago). A Gala Awards Dinner at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel in Rosemont provided a suitable festive background. Stefan Müller received his award personally from Joseph F. Engelberger and Craig Jennings, President of the RIA.

Joseph F. Engelberger is known throughout the world as the founding force behind industrial robotics and is considered the father of the modern robotics industry. Engelberger was founder and president of Unimation, Inc., the world’s first industrial robot manufacturer.

The award, which is internationally recognized as a kind of Olympic gold medal in the field of industrial robotics, is presented by the RIA for excellence in technology development, application, education, and leadership in the robotics industry. Each winner receives a commemorative medallion with the inscription, “Contributing to the advancement of the science of robotics in the service of mankind”. Since the award’s inception in 1977, they have been presented by the RIA to 85 outstanding individuals in robot technology. In addition, each year the RIA also presents the Golden Robot Award and the Robots & Vision User Recognition Award, given for success in applying robots.

Founded in 1974, the Robotics Industry Association is the only trade group in North America organized exclusively to promote the robotics industry. Its more than 250 member companies include leading robot manufacturers, component suppliers, system integrators, end users, research groups and consulting firms. Participants from more than 26 nations met at the 34th International Symposium on Robotics, which was hosted by the RIA. It is the world’s most prestigious annual robotics conference, and held just once every six years in the U.S.

KUKA Roboter GmbH is an IWKA Group company and ranks among the world’s leading manufacturers of industrial robots. Its core competencies are the development, production and sale of industrial robots, controllers, software and linear units. In 2002, the company achieved total sales of more than 250 million euro, with an output in excess of 7,500 robots.