KR QUANTEC PA palletizes 40 tonnes of animal litter per shift
The company Certech from Niedomice, Poland offers products based on bentonite, a raw material used primarily as a cleaning and decolorizing agent
Reduction of physical strain and standstills
Before the production line came on stream, about 3,000 sacks – weighing an average of six kilograms each – per working shift were manually taken from a conveyor and stacked on pallets. The enormous physical strain on employees as well as the possibility to reduce standstills in production provided Certech with two key reasons for automating the palletizing operation.

Correct stacking done by KUKA robots

Increase of output by 50%

Correct stacking done by KUKA robots

High precision and short cycle times
The robots used in this application are the 5-axis palletizing robots of type KR 120 R3200 PA with a maximum payload of 120 kg and a reach of up to 3,195 mm. The robots of this series stand out for their repeatability of +/- 0.06 mm. Thanks to their light components and simultaneous design stiffness, they also ensure improved dynamic performance and shorter cycle times. The properties of the robots from the KR QUANTEC PA series have, without question, contributed to the total success achieved during the commissioning of the palletizing application described above.
Increase of output by 50%