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Announcement regarding transactions by management personnel in accordance with Article 15a of the German Securities Trading Act


11 July 2016

„Announcement regarding transactions by management personnel in accordance with Article 15a of the German Securities Trading Act:

SWOCTEM GmbH, being closely associated with Mr. Friedhelm Loh, member of the Supervisory Board of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft, Zugspitzstrasse 140, 86165 Augsburg (ISIN DE 0006204407), informed us on July 6, 2016 that it sold shares of the company over-the-counter as follows:

Date of Sale: July 1, 2016

Sale of 4,088,293 shares at the price of EUR 115.- per share, which leads to a total transaction value of EUR 470,153,695.-

Augsburg, July 11, 2016

The Executive Board”