Industrie 4.0 stories premiere at Hannover Messe
KUKA opts for creative storytelling to put the focus on its employees.
25 April 2017
At the world’s largest industrial fair, the automation specialist is presenting four creative films on the topic of Industrie 4.0 with the aim of making abstract, yet significant, future issues tangible. In contrast to other industrial films, these will concentrate not on products or solutions, but rather on the employees themselves.
Under the motto “Born for Industrie 4.0”, the KUKA stories use humor and self-irony to stage the talents of actual employees. The films convey the important role the employees play as the catalysts in KUKA’s digital automation. Also for this reason, the films fit perfectly into the framework of the company’s brand concept “Orange Intelligenz”.
The creative spots charmingly recount not only the employees’ special abilities, but also their idiosyncrasies: there is the mobile robotics specialist, the inventive type, who is always looking for something new. This is well suited to his daily challenges at KUKA, where everything revolves around human-robot collaboration and mobility.
A colleague from the field of automation demonstrates how important this perfectionist inclination is in this line of work because he has to deal with highly complex processes and algorithms on a daily basis.
A passionate Industrie 4.0 consultant admits to having a typical “helper syndrome” and makes good use of this attribute in his work. Also, there is an employee from the Innovations department who since childhood has loved tinkering with practical ways to bring diverse systems together and have them communicate with each other. In other words, ideal preconditions to harmonize the interaction of humans, machines and software in an Industrie 4.0 environment.
“Dedicated, motivated and well-trained employees are the foundation for Industrie 4.0 and digital networking. For me and for KUKA, there can be no doubt: even in the age of digitization, humans are and will remain the focal point,” says Wilfried Eberhard, Chief Marketing Officer at KUKA AG.

With these films, we wanted to demonstrate that KUKA puts the focus on humans and their role in shaping our future.