Welcome to Orange Intelligenz, a KUKA Robotics podcast
Orange Intelligenz, a KUKA Robotics podcast features key players in the drive towards innovation and automation in any market.
Episode 9: What is Robotics Accuracy?
The world of robotics is exciting, with new applications emerging. One critical factor in robotic applications is accuracy, which can be misinterpreted in the field. To dive into the topic, host Tyler Kern welcomed KUKA Robotics Senior Staff Engineer Houssaine Waled.
Kicking off the conversation, Waled defined robotic accuracy.

“It’s the ability of a robot to go to a commanded position, which is different from repeatability. A robot may be able to return to the same spot over and over again, but it’s not the precise spot.”
In many cases, robots need to be accurate and master repeatability. Other times, only one attribute is necessary. It all comes down to the application.
A robot straight from the factory without calibration can be repeatable but not accurate. So, what applications require accuracy?

Medical robotics requires accuracy, as do different machining functions like contours.
Waled also noted that there are two kinds of accuracy—static and dynamic. Again, the type of accuracy links to the robot’s job.
When Waled works with customers in determining what their robotics needs are, there are basic questions that help him recommend the right one.
“First, what does the robot do? We talk about much accuracy they need and if that’s possible. Also, we ask about the environment,” he commented.
Once this team understands the application holistically, they work toward a solution. Find out more about accuracy and repeatability by tuning into the episode.
Listen to past episodes of Orange Intelligenz
- Episode 1: The State of the Union for Robotics
- Episode 2: The Evolution and Adoption of Collaborative Robots
- Episode 3: How KUKA Robotics works together to set up partners for success
- Episode 4: Robotics in the World of Medicine with Corey Ryan
- Episode 5: KUKA Robotics and 3M Team Up to Get Customers ready2_grind
- Episode 6: The Benefits of RoboSpin for Aluminum Welding
- Episode 7: Why Mobile Robotics Is An Exciting Field
- Episode 8: Robotics in the Entertainment and Theme Park Industries
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