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KUKA strengthens operations - Divisional chairman appointed

KUKA Aktiengesellschaft is strengthening its operations in an increasingly challenging economic environment

November 3, 2008

In an effort to continue expanding the market position with flexible robotic automation solutions, the Executive Board, in agreement with the Supervisory Board, has resolved to appoint divisional chairmen within the scope of a new management organization.

Bernd Liepert (46) has been appointed Divisional Chairman of the Robotics division; Dr. Stefan Söhn (54) has been appointed Divisional Chairman of the Systems division. Mr. Liepert is also Chairman of the management board of KUKA Roboter GmbH; Dr. Söhn is Chairman of the management board of KUKA Systems GmbH. 

The Executive Board and the divisional chairmen form the management team of the KUKA Group. The board members at KUKA AG are responsible for the overall business management, strategy in foreign and domestic markets and issues that affect the whole Group. The divisional chairmen head their division, concentrate thus on their operating business and work closely with the Executive Board.

Bernd Liepert has been with the KUKA Group since 1990. He has been the Chairman of the management board of KUKA Roboter GmbH since 2000 and a member of the Executive Board for the Robotics division since 2006. Dr. jur. Stefan Söhn was the Commercial Director of KUKA Systems from 2000 to 2007. He is the Chairman of the management board of KUKA Systems GmbH since 2007 and responsible for the Systems division in this function.

This new management structure will take effect on January 1, 2009. The Executive Board of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft will then consist of CEO Dr. Horst J. Kayser (47) and CFO Dr. Matthias J. Rapp (41). 

CEO Dr. Horst J. Kayser on the new organizational structure: “I expect valuable impulses from the new management structure that will strengthen the operational concerns of our divisions and integrate these into our strategy and daily work within the framework of the management team.”