Committees of the Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft is made up of twelve members: six members elected at the Annual General Meeting and six members elected in accordance with the German Co-Determination Act.
The Supervisory Board elects a chair and at least one deputy chair from among its members. In each case, these positions are filled for the term of office of these elected Supervisory Board members. If any of these members resigns from the Supervisory Board during their term of office, a new election shall be held without delay in order to fill the open position.
Following the election of the employee representatives on April 10, 2018 and the shareholder representatives at the Annual General Meeting on June 6, 2018, the Supervisory Board of the company was formed for a term of office that will run until the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2023.
The Supervisory Board forms a committee in accordance with section 27 para. 3 of the German Co-determination Act. The Supervisory Board can form other committees from among its members and determine their tasks and powers. Decision-making powers may also be assigned to the committees to the extent permitted by law.
The Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee has the task of proposing suitable candidates to the Supervisory Board for the election by the Annual General Meeting of shareholder representatives as members of the Supervisory Board. When selecting the candidates, in addition to their fundamental suitability and professional competence, the Supervisory Board’s specific objectives for its composition and the profile of skills for the board as a whole are taken into account.
Members of the Nomination Committee:
Dr. Yanmin (Andy) Gu (Chairman)
Marianna Zhao
The Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee prepares personnel decisions. In particular, it formulates recommendations of the committee to the Supervisory Board regarding the regulation of legal relationships between the company and the individual Executive Board members, especially concluding, amending, extending, revoking and terminating employment contracts with Executive Board members (except for their appointment and withdrawal, which are determined by the Supervisory Board), granting subscription rights as part of a stock option plan and approving the sideline activities of Executive Board members, conflicts of interest within the Executive Board and significant transactions between the company and Executive Board members or persons closely associated with them within the meaning of sections 111a ff. of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) (Related Party Transactions).
When proposing candidates for appointment to the Executive Board, it pays attention to the personal suitability, professional qualifications, leadership personality, professional experience, previous performance and other experience of the respective candidate. Aspects of diversity, e.g. age, gender or educational and professional background, are taken into account when selecting members of the Executive Board – even without a separate diversity concept. Furthermore, the Personnel Committee prepares the resolution of the Supervisory Board on the remuneration system for the Executive Board and its implementation in the employment contracts. This also includes preparing the definition of the targets for variable remuneration and reviewing the total remuneration of the individual Executive Board members. The Personnel Committee deals regularly with the latest developments in Executive Board remuneration and receives internal or external advice on this.
Members of the Personnel Committee:
Dr. Yanmin (Andy) Gu (Chairman)
Armin Kolb
Marianna Zhao
Carina Veit
The Audit Committee
The Audit Committee deals in particular with issues relating to accounting, risk management, compliance, the necessary independence of the auditor, the issuing of the audit assignment to the auditor, the determination of focal points of the audit and the fee agreement. The Audit Committee is responsible for the preliminary audit of the annual financial statements, the management report and the audit report of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft and KUKA Group. On the basis of the auditor’s report, it submits proposals to the Supervisory Board after its own examination for the adoption of the annual financial statements of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft and for the approval of the consolidated financial statements by the Supervisory Board.
The Audit Committee prepares the proposal of the Supervisory Board to the Annual General Meeting for election of the auditor. It discusses the quarterly reports and the mid-year financial report with the Executive Board. The Audit Committee deals with the company’s risk management system and monitors the quality and effectiveness of the risk management system and the internal control and auditing systems. The corporate audit department reports regularly to the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee also deals with compliance in the company, which includes the compliance program, the compliance management system and individual compliance cases. The Chief Compliance Officer reports regularly to the Audit Committee.
Members of the Audit Committee:
Dr. Andy Gu
Armin Kolb
Carola Leitmeir
Dr. Myriam Meyer
Ferdije Rrecaj
The Strategy and Technology Committee
The Strategy and Technology Committee deals with the corporate strategy and the medium and long-term orientation of KUKA Group as well as current and future technologies. The focus is on the medium and long-term development of the individual business segments of KUKA Group. It also offers advice on issues relating to the in-house development of expertise and technology as an alternative to potential outsourcing options. In addition, the Strategy and Technology Committee deals with the competitiveness and positioning of KUKA Group, one focus here being on technological innovation.
Members of the Strategy and Technology Committee:
Christoph Schell (Chairman)
Larissa Brandis
Dr. Andy Gu
Armin Kolb
Carola Leitmeir
Dr. Myriam Meyer
Dr. Chang Wei
Carina Veit
The Mediation Committee
The Mediation Committee pursuant to section 27 para. 3 of the German Co-Determination Act (MitbestG) submits to the Supervisory Board proposals for appointing or revoking the appointment of Executive Board members if the required majority of two thirds of votes from Supervisory Board members is not achieved in the first ballot.
Members of the Mediation Committee:
Dr. Andy Gu (Chairman)
Larissa Brandis
Marianna Zhao
Armin Kolb