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Corporate Governance

KUKA AG operates in accordance with the principles of the German Corporate Governance Code and the Transparency and Disclosure Act in order to ensure effective corporate management. 

Corporate Governance Statement pursuant to section 289f para. 4 HGB

Information on targets for the proportion of women in management positions and information on compliance with the statutory gender quota on supervisory boards

Corporations subject to co-determination are required to set and publish targets for the proportion of women in management positions and deadlines for achieving the targets.

As a stock corporation subject to co-determination, KUKA Aktiengesellschaft publishes the following statement pursuant to section 289f para. 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB):

Pursuant to section 76 para. 4 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the Management Board has determined that the target percentage of women for the two management levels below the Management Board must be reached by March 31, 2027 at the latest (“target date”). The target percentage of women has been set at 25% for the first management level below the Management Board and likewise at 25% for the second management level below the Management Board. As at December 31, 2024 the percentage of women was 29% at the first management level and 24% at the second management level. In the year under review, it was thus possible to achieve the target set for the proportion of women at the first management level below the Management Board. The target set for the proportion of women at the second management level below the Management Board were not achieved. The Management Board remains committed to achieving the target figure by March 31, 2027.

Pursuant to section 111 para. 5 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the Supervisory Board has set a target of 0% for the percentage of women on the Management Board and a target date of December 31st, 2025. The target was set at 0% since the employment contracts of Management Board members Peter Mohnen and Alexander Tan were still for a longer term at the time of the decision. In addition, the Management Board of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft consists of two people; there are no plans to expand the Management Board.

There was no need to set a target for the Supervisory Board because the statutory quota according to section 96 para. 2 AktG already applies to it (section 111 para. 5 sentence 5 AktG), i.e. the Supervisory Board must be composed of at least 30% women and at least 30% men. The Supervisory Board has fulfilled this quota since fiscal 2017.