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KUKA at ICRA 2022

ICRA was held in Philadelphia from May 23-27, 2022. KUKA has shown an application from the medical sector there.

About ICRA

For the first time since the start of the corona pandemic, ICRA was back in attendance, this time in Philadelphia, USA. The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) is one of IEEE's premier conferences, bringing together the world's top researchers and major companies to share research results and ideas in robotics and automation. 

The program includes plenary and keynote sessions by renowned researchers, contributed paper sessions, workshops and tutorials, forums, robotics competitions, and numerous social events. At the accompanying exhibition, representatives from industry have the opportunity to provide insight into their technologies and exchange ideas with researchers.

Medical application with the KUKA LBR Med

KUKA has shown an application, in which we utilize the LBR Med to guide the user to place a needle into a phantom head simulating a tumor biopsy with real-time tracking. In order to accomplish this, we provide the user the ability to do pre-opt planning of where the target pose and entry pose should be relative to CT data that we display on an interactive screen. Once that is accepted and finished the user can then hand guiding the robot close to the target and then begin tracking.

New technologies such as sensitive robotics are opening up new possibilities, particularly in medicine, for treating patients more gently, more precisely and thus more effectively.

Dr. Kristina Wagner, Senior Vice President Technology & Innovation Center & Director The Robot X-perience (iiQKA)

Learn more about ICRA 2022.