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Higher half-year result after taxes and increased EBIT margin from operating business

The KUKA Group is closing the 1st half-year with an annual profit (result after tax) in the sum of €80.8 million, after recording a loss of -€62.2 million in the 1st six months of the previous year.

7 August 2007

This includes earnings from discontinued operations of €63.8 million from the successful sale of the Packaging division in the 2nd quarter of 2007.

In the 2nd quarter, EBIT margin reached 5.7 percent after 3.4 percent in the first quarter of 2007 and -0.5 percent in the 2nd quarter of the 2006 financial year. The Executive Board is therefore increasing its EBIT margin forecast for 2007 from 4.2 percent to 4.6 percent.

Augsburg, August 7, 2007

The Executive Board