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Targets for 2020 reaffirmed at the KUKA annual general meeting

Augsburg, June 10, 2015. Around 600 shareholders, shareholder representatives and guests attended the Annual General Meeting of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft in Augsburg on June 10, 2015. The Annual General Meeting passed all the resolutions proposed by the Supervisory Board and Executive Board with a large majority and all members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board were overwhelmingly discharged for the 2014 financial year. A dividend of 0.40 euro per entitled share was approved for the 2014 financial year. Supervisory Board members Dr. Walter Bickel, Dr. Michael Proeller and Guy Wyser-Pratte retired from the Supervisory Board. Dr. Hubert Lienhard, Friedhelm Loh and Hans Ziegler were elected to the Supervisory Board as new members.

11 June 2015

  • Resolutions proposed by Executive Board and Supervisory Board passed with large majority
  • Dividend of 0.40 euro approved
  • Focus on Industry 4.0

Growth forecast for 2020 reaffirmed

The record year 2014, with sales of almost 2.1 billion euro and an EBIT of 142 million euro, reflects the profitable growth of the KUKA Group. Acquisitions also contributed to this growth. In this way, KUKA gained access to attractive growth markets in general industry. In the current financial year, KUKA was able to increase the share of sales revenue from general industry to 50%, thereby creating a second strong mainstay alongside the automotive industry.
By developing new technologies and products, the Group is also tapping new markets around the world, e.g. in the Aerospace, Logistics and Electronics sectors, with further growth potential. KUKA has positioned itself in the strong growth markets with an integrated Group-wide approach and has expanded its range of solutions: from the core component – the robot – to cells and fully automated systems.
This positive development is reflected in the share price. KUKA shares developed more positively in 2014 than those of any other company listed in the MDAX index. The share price rose from around 34 euro to almost 60 euro, recording a plus of over 70%.
For 2015, an increase in Group sales to around 2.8 billion euro is expected. The Group has set itself ambitious targets for the year 2020. It is aiming for sales revenue of 4.0 to 4.5 billion euro and an EBIT margin of more than 7.5%.

Focus on Industry 4.0

KUKA is working intensively on helping to shape the factory of the future. This is because Industry 4.0 will bring about the next leap forward in automation. In the Smart Factory, the robot serves as the link between the real world and the world of IT.
“KUKA has enjoyed very strong growth in recent years and can extend its leading position still further by means of new automation concepts in the context of Industry 4.0,” emphasized Dr. Till Reuter, CEO of KUKA AG, at the Annual General Meeting. “With our key technologies and expertise for Industry 4.0 solutions, we have what it takes to play a decisive role in shaping the networked factory.”