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Explore the world of robotics with KUKA

Augsburg, 16 November 2015 – KUKA invites all those interested to explore the world of robotics during European Robotics Week. What can robots be used for and what can they do? What do robots actually look like? These and many other questions will be answered during the week of events. During this time, KUKA employees will be sharing their specialist knowledge and enthusiasm for automation with children, young people and adults. Secondary school classes have been invited to KUKA to learn about the exciting field of robotics. KUKA employees will also be visiting schools and kindergartens over the course of the week.

16 November 2015

KUKA is issuing an open invitation to anyone interested in the following events:
Robotics presentation for children 
On Monday, 23 November at 3 p.m., and on Friday, 27 November at 2.30 pm., a robotics presentation will be held for children between the ages of eight and twelve. Following a child-friendly, interactive presentation, providing insights into the world of robotics, the children themselves will be able to get to grips with the small, mobile KUKA youBot robot. The presentation is expected to last one and a half hours and will take place at KUKA, Zugspitzstrasse 140 in 86165 Augsburg-Lechhausen. Parents will have the opportunity to wait for their children over coffee and cake in the company canteen. To register, please contact Anke Dehne at or call 0821/797-5251.
Evening event: Influencing the Future – Industry 4.0 at KUKA
On Wednesday, 25 November at 7.00 p.m., KUKA is inviting interested adults to a presentation at KUKA, Zugspitzstraße 140 in Augsburg Lechhausen. Christian Tarragona, Head of R&D Product Development, will be providing insights into the connection between robotics, IT and Industry 4.0. In his presentation, he will be explaining how IT and robots will develop in order to help shape the factory of the future. To register, please contact Anke Dehne at or call 0821/797-5251. Please understand that we must limit the number of participants.
About European Robotics Week
European Robotics Week has been held annually throughout Europe in the last week of November since 2011. The European research community euRobotics initiated the themed week to educate the public about robotics and to focus on the significance and benefits of automation. A further aim is to highlight the high-quality, innovative research and development work of European institutes, universities and the industrial sector.  Another important goal is to arouse the interest of young people in the sciences. The trend towards automation is continuing worldwide, with the result that ever more specialists will be required in the field of robotics in the future, and particularly in research and development positions. Further information can be found at