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KUKA takes two innovative projects to the European Robotics Forum

Augsburg, March 9, 2016 – Research meets industry: from March 21 to 23, KUKA will be taking part in the most important European networking event, the European Robotics Forum (ERF) in Ljubljana. “The format is unique in this form,” says Dr. Rainer Bischoff, Head of KUKA Corporate Research. “Unlike other major scientific conferences, the focus here is on exchange and discussion rather than papers and presentations.” The Augsburg-based automation specialist will present two corporate research projects in the Slovenian capital.

9 March 2016

A smart LBR iiwa lightweight robot demonstrates machine learning by using an algorithm to classify and sort various objects. The sample objects are shown to the system in a training phase. Attributes such as size and color are captured via a 3D camera and the robot receives instructions from an operator on how the objects are to be sorted – namely, to the left or to the right. A mere ten exercises are necessary for the robot to learn the criteria. Following this, the program can then even automatically assign new and unknown objects. If something should ever go wrong, the operator can correct the error. In other words, the robot learns continuously, adapting to changes and constantly improving. This provides an opportunity for the topic of intelligent robotics to be discussed with experts from all over Europe.
Additionally, the youBot in a box concept study shows that robot education, training and research can be performed easily and safely from one’s desk – without losing sight of industrial uses. The youBot in a box is a five-axis robot arm with a two-finger gripper and is connected to a computer via an Ethernet cable. This computer runs KUKA Sunrise OS software, which is used to control the robot. The youBot can be programmed in Java via KUKA Sunrise.Workbench. Since this programming environment is also used for large KUKA industrial robots, the youBot in a box is the best and quickest way for students, researchers and end users to enter the world of KUKA robotics.

The European Robotics Forum

The forum is an event held by the Brussels-based non-profit organization euRobotics (President: Dr. Bernd Liepert). Having started in 2010 as a purely academic event in San Sebastian, the ERF has since developed into one of the most influential forums, with representatives from research and industry.
This year, over 500 engineers, managers, researchers and entrepreneurs from all over Europe will meet in Ljubljana to discuss current robotics topics and to intensify collaboration between all of the representatives.

The agenda also includes new initiatives and applications in every sector – from agriculture to healthcare – as well as current assessments from the European Commission. Besides 50 workshops, a total of 22 exhibitors will be providing insights.