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Midea group decided to make a tender offer to all KUKA shareholders

Today, MECCA International (BVI) Limited ("Bidder"), a 100% subsidiary of Midea Group Co., Ltd. ("Midea") informed the Executive Board of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft ("KUKA") about its decision to make a tender offer for all outstanding KUKA shares.

18 May 2016

- ISIN DE0006204407-
- ISIN DE000A2AAC27 -
Listed on the following German stock exchanges:
Frankfurt am Main and Munich

Market segment: Prime Standard

Ad hoc disclosure in accordance with section 15 of the WpHG (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz – German Securities Trading Act)

Midea group decided to make a tender offer to all KUKA shareholders

Today, MECCA International (BVI) Limited ("Bidder"), a 100% subsidiary of Midea Group Co., Ltd. ("Midea") informed the Executive Board of KUKA Aktiengesellschaft ("KUKA") about its decision to make a tender offer for all outstanding KUKA shares. Accordingly, the Bidder intends to offer to pay a cash consideration of 115.00 € per KUKA share to all shareholders. This represents a premium of 59.6% to KUKA's unaffected XETRA closing price of 3 February 2016 (the day prior to the publication of Midea's shareholding of 10.2% in KUKA) and a premium of approximately 36.2% to the current KUKA share price (closing price of XETRA trading system on 17 May 2016).

Midea also declared the following: Midea intends to support KUKA’s further growth, in particular as leading German provider for Industrie 4.0-solutions as well as the continuing penetration of the Chinese market. In addition, Midea in particular assures to keep the headquarters of KUKA in Augsburg, the actual size of the workforce in Germany and in the foreign KUKA sites and the brand “KUKA” as well as the listing of the KUKA shares in Germany. Furthermore, Midea would welcome if the KUKA Executive Board Members will continue with their office and the two major German shareholders will stay invested in the company.

Following the publication of the offer document, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board will evaluate the offer document with due care and will issue the reasoned opinion with respect to the offer. The reasoned statement and further other information with respect to the offer will be published by KUKA Aktiengesellschaft on its website

Augsburg, 18 May 2016

KUKA Aktiengesellschaft

The Executive Board

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